Privacy Policy

Legal Notice

We collect only aggregate information about the numbers of individuals who visit our web site and what those individuals look at. We do not share the registered Companies or their employee’s details.

We only display the registered company’s logos in the home page of our website. For security purpose we use network monitoring tools to identify unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited and may be punishable by law.


The contents of the website that are subject to change without notice. The information provided on this web site should be used as advice; such information does not provide the user with any form of guaranteed protection for internet / cyber security. This web site contains contents, hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations / Companies. These links and contents [information, documents and materials] are provided for visitors' convenience. The website neither controls nor guarantees the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any linked information. The website makes no representations or warranties of any kind of Contents or third party web sites or for any products / services mentioned or offered in the Contents or in third party web sites.

Reservation of Rights

All contents of the site are property of the cyber smart club. Excluding the third parties contents. No user of this web site may republish, print, download, copy, and retransmit any portion of this web site or the Contents without the prior written consent of the cyber smart club. except that reasonable copying or printing of the Contents for non-commercial use is permissible where permitted by law.

Advertising policies

At Cyber Smart Club, registered companies can have option to give advertising in the inner pages of the website. Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that their ads comply with all applicable laws, and regulations. Cyber Smart Club believes that advertising can be acceptable in a variety of formats if appropriately labelled so as to be clear and transparent to all users (all age groups)

  • Ads must not contain false content.
  • Advertiser cannot have permission to Upload or Remove Ads
  • Ads may not contain audio or flash animation
  • Size of the Ads should be allowed by site administrator
  • Ad text must include proper grammar and the use of all symbols,& numbers,
  • Ads must clearly represent the company, product or brand that is being advertised.
  • Ads may not contain products or services in a sexually suggestive manner.
  • Ads may contain languages other than English under certain conditions. All submissions of non-English ads must be accompanied by an accurate English translation.
  • Political and Religious advertisements are prohibited
  • Ads may not contain Gambling , Lotteries, Contests, Sweeps, Alcohol, Drugs, Cigarettes and Tobacco.
  • No Advertising will be allowed on the Cyber smart club that could injure the good name or reputation of Cyber smart club.
  • Ads may contain direct link to the company website or the product link.
  • Ads may not contain or link directly or indirectly to a site that contains spyware/malware downloads(competitors are prohibited from advertising ).
  • Ads may not content adult content, including nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions or sexually provocative
  • Ads may not promote explosives
  • Pop-up and floating advertising is not permitted
  • All Ads uploaded in the website will be verified and approved by the web administrator .Ads that we find in violation of these policies will be marked as Disapproved or Suspended and will not be able to run while in that status.